Construction   Culture  Process Improvement   Self Build  Bespoke

Whatever your needs try us, if we can help, we will!


Project Planning and Strategy Development. 
We like to get involved early so we can add value from the beginning, if you don't know where to start we'll guide your thinking and help you to capture your idea and create a plan to move forwards swiftly.

Project Execution and Monitoring. 
With an agreed scope of work tailored to your needs we will act as sentinels for your project to ensure everything goes to plan.

Risk Management and Mitigation. 
Everyone's approach to risk is different.  Through consultation we'll help you to understand your attitude to risk and what matters to you.  With our over the horizon view you can rest assured you will always be in the know.

Stakeholder Communication and Engagement. 
The key to the success of projects is the people who are involved.  White Lions Project Consultancy will endeavour to get the very best out of the wider project team to bring about the desired results.

Quality Assurance and Control. 
Whatever standards you require we'll carefully monitor work to ensure it aligns with your expectations.

Project Governance and Reporting. 
You'll always be up to date with what's going on.  It's our job to do the work so your decisions are easy to make.

Training and Capability Building. 
At White Lions Project Consultancy we believe in helping organisations to evolve into growth generating strong matrix organisations, as your business grows we can help you streamline your efforts.